
    Allianz Global Assistance Case Study | ScorebuddyQA

    Client Requirement

    Allianz Global Assistance relies on delivering fast high quality services to its customers 24/7 around the world.  It is a global leader in Assistance, Travel Insurance and Personal Services.

    Allianz identified the benefits Scorebuddy could bring to their customer service centres in reducing the effort required to gather and manage quality scores.


    Over 30 managers in Allianz use Scorebuddy for quality monitoring their teams.  Staff lists are up to date, unlike their previous system which was only updated annunally.The managers have increased autonomy and ownership over their quality forms as they can instantly change their scorecards to what suits their needs.

    "It allows the managers now to have far much more freedom in creating new scorecards, much more flexibility in changing the questions, it means that if they want to change a question midway through the year it doesn’t affect the historical data." - Nikki Woolgar, People, Performance and Development Manager, Allianz Global Assistance


    Quality monitoring for Allianz is now streamlined and easy to manage allowing them to just focus on the actual monitoring, not on the technology used for monitoring; "It allows us to focus on Quality assurance, on that call audit or the audits of the letters to ensure the quality that we offer our customers is the best."  The fact that Scorebuddy can be quickly deployed and doesn't require IT or input from other departments made the solution very attractive.

    The reporting tool has given Allianz a greater insight than they had previously and the presentation of information has made understanding easier; "Previously we had to report manually with our access database.  Now we can quickly insert the reports into our own report, it’s opened up a new world of reporting for us."


    "Scorebuddy is so easy to use. It provides us with the flexibility to create and implement a variety of audit forms to monitor our levels of customer service provided. To top it all the support staff are really friendly, helpful and professional"

    Nikki Woolgar, People, Performance and Development Manager,
    Allianz Global Assistance

    View Video Interview with Nikki



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